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How does social media leave a permanent footprint?

 How does social media leave a permanent footprint?

Whatever you put out on the internet, whether that be pictures, timeline posts, your resume, or just your random thoughts, will always be out there. Even if you delete those posts, someone could’ve screenshotted it or recorded it. Along with your social media posts, people can also find out more about you through your credit scores and your bank accounts.

With the age of facial recognition, people can find out everything they need to know about you just from a simple picture in a crowded area.

Juan Enriquez says that the internet is just as if not more permanent than tattoos and like tattoos they can show the world a specific image or feeling that you are wanting to share. That image can stay around for longer than we are alive. He says that because of this, we are getting close to immortality.

Companies can take the info that they learn about you and use it to market their products specifically to you. Enriquez used an example of a girl really liking black dresses. The companies will then take this information and use it to market-specific black dresses to this girl and she will be more likely to buy them since they are giving her so many options.

Enriquez also talked about how we can become like the Greek myth Sysiphus if we start to post too much on social media. We can end up just rolling a rock up and down a hill and sentenced to forever just go through the motions. We also could end up like Atalanta, the runner. She could beat anyone and everyone at running until Hippomenes came along. He beat her by distracting her with little golden apples he would throw on the ground until she fell behind. We have to be careful not to get too distracted or we could lose ourselves or our goals for ourselves.


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